Drever Family Racing - 10.06 @ 138mph

Mike D.

Battle Ram
Mar 2, 2007
Just wanted to give a recap of the great weekend of racing (NHRDA Medicine Hat Madness) we had. I started off running a few shake down passes on motor only with my smallest program and ran 10.58 @ 129.4mph. For fuel only and my smallest tune we thought that was a great start to the day! Decided to go for the bottle on my next pass and was at half track before the truck started to settle down and really fly - giving me a 10.06 @ 138mph. :rockwoot:
The following day I was able to back it up with another 10.06 @ 138mph into a head wind. Talking with fellow racers who run at our track on a regular basis they were losing 2-3 tenths on their times from the previous day. We are definitely hitting the 9's this year!
After it was all said and done the truck's still running like a top and I had no tranny issues....i'm running the same tranny i've had in for a year and a half. Hauling my ass she still weighs 7100lbs....and with two more programs to go......needless to say i'm pumped!!

I need to thank first and foremost: NADP - Barry Voltner and ALL the staff who have supported, wrenched, cussed & cursed, and occasionally bled getting this truck to where it is...this is one wicked ride!:thankyou2:
I want to thank Industrial Injection and Dynamite Diesel.:thankyou2:
A special :thankyou2: to Kyle & Lisa for coming down to help out! As always a shout out to all the other competitors who made the trip out to compete - met some awesome people this weekend and look forward to seeing you down the road.Thank you also to everyone on the forum for all the congrats.
Thank you to all the family and friends who came to support us!
And lastly :thankyou2: to Randy, Mike, Pat and the rest of the NHRDA crew for bringing this diesel event to Medicine Hat-we're looking forward to seeing you guys here again next year!

Next stop the August Blackout........

I like my 9's medium rare with a side of bow-tie
Congrats Mike! Hope you bust a 9 soon!!!!! :woohoo:
Congrats to the Drever Family Racing team and to NADP!!!! Now that is one solid tranny you got Mike... 1yr 1/2 with the same, that's something special!! Never heard of anyone being able to hold a tranny that long, and that is alot of abuse going threw the one you got..lol. WOW!!! I also heard that the 6L Ford has a tranny from NADP and it hasn't been touched in 2yrs.. those guys know how to build a tranny. Maybe Nastygirl should get one seeing that he is having alot of problems with his??
Very Very impressive. Congrats on all of your hard work.... Just amazing to see a 4x4 so close to the 9s...Wish i wasnt on the other side of the state so i could see it...
I like my 9's medium rare with a side of bow-tie........

HAHAHA I don't care who ya are that is funny SH#$

Congrats Mike.....
I witnessed those 10.0's that thing is absolutlely rank when it launches. Its always cool to see real trucks slapping around those plastic one's. Congrats boys keep it up.
Congrats im glad the injectors are working out!
Hope to meet you at August Blackout.