drop box info

looking for some direction on a drop box for a open diesel 4x4 truck, can you run one behind a 4500? and what is all needed? should i get rid of the f106 and upgrade rear before i worry about it? Any info is appriciated Thanks
You can run a Dropbox behind a 4500 and easily done with a 2wd trans. Just run a short drive shaft between it and the Dropbox. You will have to remote mount the Dropbox. I would suggest upgrading tge 106 but depending on where you pull would be the deciding factor. If you run in FL I wouldn't because of the Sandy dirt. If your in good clay ground I would upgrade it
Sure you run quick change transfercase behind your stock tranny.
Just mount it on a crossmember behind tranny, put a short driveshaft in between.

As far as transfer cases go, I like SCS and I run the magnesium one, nice and lite and don't leak oil! And the SCS one comes with 3 QC gear sets
Price them on proformance pros, then get a price from an SCS dealer, probly save you some money.

You can get 1 " wide gear profabs cheap, but they make a stronger 1 1/4" wide gear one now.
The all in one transfer/reversers are becoming popular now but aren't cheap or lite!

I've run the "zerodrag" reverser and I've run a tranny, couldn't tell any difference hp wise.
But the trans brake on the reverser was nice tho.
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What gear ratios come with the drop boxes?

The removable gears you can get what ever you want. Profab has 3 bull gears. 1.54, 2.0 & 2.5 they are the big gears in the bottom that don't come out
There is a available gear chart on SCS gearbox website and calculator for figuring gearing.
Try to your driveline running close to 1 to 1 and then put deep gears in diffs to take stress off trans and driveshafts.
Also if you go to a reverser it'll be easy since they are 1 to 1 straight thru.
Try to get correct bull gears, as they are about $750 a set. They are listed on the website too.
The QC gears set can bought and sold used, so they can be experimented with til you get the right combination.
Has anyone had personal experience with the zero drag vs the 10 series? Is there a true power difference between the two
The term "zero drag" has certainly sold some reversers.
But if you have a good working transmission now, I wouldn't change[and pay an extra $3000]
for 10 hp or so in savings.
If you were in 200 horsepower class, you might see the difference in 200 horse and 190 horse.
With horsepower in the 1000 horse range, 10 horse is nothing, you could be off a couple lbs on tire pressure and make way more difference.