Dual Alternators. Who has them..and-

If you could check the lower alt for 12v power at the cable lug. With Eng off. And on.
I'm thinkin I know the answer I'm lookin for but your answer will confirm it.
10-4. I will be next saturday before i can do it as were leaving for vegas monday and my brother has my truck and gooseneck. I will check it upon my return though.
Damn.. if ya can get him to just hit it with a test light that would be cool.
12.9volts off and 14.2volts when it's running

That's what I was lookin for, thanks a bunch.
What I'm.figuring is the fusable links got burnt up. And they are run under/around the battery and vacuum canister so a quick visible is not easy. I'll know more for sure when he brings it in for me to fix.