Dual stock CP3 versus Stage X CP3?


New member
Feb 3, 2007
I've gone from an "old" Floor It Stage 2 CP3 to a dual stock CP3 setup about a year and a half ago.

Changing the Stage 2 to a dual stock CP3 setup gave pretty noticeable power delivery improvements in terms of driveability (throttle response), while keeping twin turbo and injector setups the same. In both set-ups my rail was capped.

In the last month due to fuel in oil, I've had both turbos and my set of injectors rebuilt. The fuel started wiping out the turbo bearings and 3 of the injectors had internal leaks. I have since removed the rail cap and pressure box - a very mild VA C3.1.

Going back over my oil analyses via CAT (done every ~7500 miles), I started getting fuel-in-oil "hits" about the same time the dual CP3's were installed. These hits were always <0.5% from a previous of a consistent 0 so I always attributed it to analysis noise. If CAT didn't flag it, I didn't worry about it.

Because of all this I am considering going back to a single modded CP3 set-up. However, now there are Stage 3 and 4's out there that supposedly perform as well or better than dual stock CP3's.

The thing I hated most about modded CP3's was that the FCA's always seemed to screw up - at least in my set-ups. Is this a non-issue now?

Has anybody dynoed dual stock CP3's versus these new Stage 3 / 4 CP3's with all else being equal (injectors, turbo, programming)? If so can anyone post the dynos showing "area under the curve", power versus time, etc.?
I believe it will be a while bf one cp3 will out flow two pumps. They might on paper, but its a different animal sled pulling with twin pumps!
Check out my 763.9 HP thread.. dyno differences between the stage 3.5 and stage 4 from floor it.

I'm sure you'll see 4 digit power numbers from single stage 4's very soon. 3.5's already in the 900's.

I've never ran a dual setup so I can't compare that. But going from a stage 3 (wicked), to 3.5 (floorit) to 4 (floorit) wow was the difference amazing in drive ability. So It appears there are similarities between the dual and single setups, like drive-ability.

Interestingly enough, I blew a seal out from an injector as well shortly after beating on the truck with a stage 4. :) With the rail cap. I put the stock RV back in place for now as to not ruin the new parts..

Keep in mind the stage 4's are all new territory. John's got some interesting ideas he's doing out side of the porting and what not. Give them all some time and time to get parts out to folks.

I know one truck with dual stage 3.5... Seems to run good.

Anyone ever figure out where the tubes and injectors are limited flow wise? Would dual stage 4's just not be as affective due to flow limitations in the injector it self?
From what I have seen and heard. Don modifies the injector bodies and enlarges the fuel area going into the nozzle. I only know 3 trucks with those bodies and lets say they all make big power.
I'm a single pump guy my self. A lot of trucks that compete and have dual pumps usually burn pistons. Although Dual pumps make the power over a single pump. I have a friend with Damn near every single mod I have except he has dual pumps and I have a single stg 3. We make the same HP almost everytime
From what I have seen and heard. Don modifies the injector bodies and enlarges the fuel area going into the nozzle. I only know 3 trucks with those bodies and lets say they all make big power.

the bodies are not modified. just nozzles.
ther is no "approved way" of modifying bodies , atleast not yet.
I noticed a difference when i went from my stock cp3 to a bag of parts to the 85% cp3 i have now from Industrail, If things go as planed im moving up to the double dragon that industrail has out now.
With my setup I notice the drivability and right now I get flux 6's in. But I can tell you first hand what dual pumps can do that a single cant thats when your driving down the road and all of a sudden you hear a loud noise ( the piston blowing out of the stock cp3) and dumping fuel I was still able to get safely off the highway to the next exit and figure out what happened. A little wasted fuel but hey I didn't cause a accident. I consider 2 stock singles way more reliable and last longer then a seriously modded pump. a stock engine compared to a engine in a dragster which is more reliable and longer lasting?
I noticed a difference when i went from my stock cp3 to a bag of parts to the 85% cp3 i have now from Industrail, If things go as planed im moving up to the double dragon that industrail has out now.

i thought the double dragon hasnt been released yet?
how do you like your dragon?
I like it, just looking to upgrade some more, on the web it show web site they are. Says Dodge and Duramax aviable now. I looking for a little more pump, I dont want duals cause some place dont like them when pulling.
I went from a stg 2.5 Floor-It to ATS duals with a stock Dmax pump on top and I love it. In low rpm stabs of the pedal or rolling in it I am amazed how much faster the pumps catch up over a single.
With my setup I notice the drivability and right now I get flux 6's in. But I can tell you first hand what dual pumps can do that a single cant thats when your driving down the road and all of a sudden you hear a loud noise ( the piston blowing out of the stock cp3) and dumping fuel I was still able to get safely off the highway to the next exit and figure out what happened. A little wasted fuel but hey I didn't cause a accident. I consider 2 stock singles way more reliable and last longer then a seriously modded pump. a stock engine compared to a engine in a dragster which is more reliable and longer lasting?

Was it the piston on the top pump and did any metal shrapnel make it to the injectors?

When you ran with one pump did you still have the dual CP3 controller hooked up? If yes, did it still run fine?
It was the stock bottom pump and metal went through system we sent don the injectors and cleaned the rail rack. Truck ran fine other then making a mess as it was running. Controller was left hooked up
i got a floor it stage 3 on bottom and stock dmax on top and the responsiveness (sp) is so much better than just the floor it stage 3. not to mention i can put my rail pressure/fuel delivery wherever i want it, whenever i want it at whatever RPM i want it. i haven't had anyproblems out my dual's in the last few years and i would always reccomend them unless your going for some big HP single CP3 shootout