Dude . . . Its a BOLT !!!??


New member
Jan 5, 2008
As luck would have it , after finally getting the front diff - disassembled , axle seal replaced and most of the way back together something bad happened. As I was torquing the last bearing cap bolt , I heard a click. But it wasn't from the torque wrench. My mind knew what it was , and a million things ran through my head as I rolled around on the floor uttering phrases not fit for the human ear. I got around to backing the bolt out , and it all came out , with a big twist right in the middle ! I touched it and the bolt became two ! I drove to town knowing this isn't something Ford would stock. They told me it would be 5 days , but a regular grade 8 bolt would work. Out of morbid curiousity , I asked how much it was . . . . $40 !!!!!! Dude , its a bolt ! Anyway, 53 cents later , with 1/2 x 2 1/2 grade 8 bolt in hand , the truck went back together - and it all still works. :doh:
As luck would have it , after finally getting the front diff - disassembled , axle seal replaced and most of the way back together something bad happened. As I was torquing the last bearing cap bolt , I heard a click. But it wasn't from the torque wrench. My mind knew what it was , and a million things ran through my head as I rolled around on the floor uttering phrases not fit for the human ear. I got around to backing the bolt out , and it all came out , with a big twist right in the middle ! I touched it and the bolt became two ! I drove to town knowing this isn't something Ford would stock. They told me it would be 5 days , but a regular grade 8 bolt would work. Out of morbid curiousity , I asked how much it was . . . . $40 !!!!!! Dude , its a bolt ! Anyway, 53 cents later , with 1/2 x 2 1/2 grade 8 bolt in hand , the truck went back together - and it all still works. :doh:

There's gold in the middle of them bolts.. that's why it's $40.
Funny how every car manufacturer is on the verge of bankrupcy. Now if they sold the entire vehicle for the price they think the individual parts are worth , we wouldn't have to give them billions of dollars ! Although I probably wouldn't own a Ford that was $250,000 !!
Ill save you $10 and sell you one for $30:hehe:

Uhmmmmmmmm.....not really......With the exchange right now, your $30.00 US, is like $36.00 to us Canadians.....then throw the shipping on top of that....so easy $10.00, plus brokerage fees.....your really screwing him.....it's cheaper to buy from the local Ford dealer....:hehe:
My mind knew what it was , and a million things ran through my head as I rolled around on the floor uttering phrases not fit for the human ear. I got around to backing the bolt out , and it all came out , with a big twist right in the middle ! I touched it and the bolt became two !

WOW, thats luck. Glad it all worked out for you!!
Its not his fault youre from Canada LOL

Yeah......it's too bad I gotta buy from you guys just to get a deal........:bang

If I could get the same deal from my own Country, I would buy from them....but I can't so.......why would I buy from my own Country when they are charging me WAY more money for the same product??....even after the exchange, tax, brokerage fees, and shipping charges????????

WOULD YOU????????????????:umno:
This frickin exchange BS has just cost me a set of twin turbo's......

What the hell ever happen to "FREE TRADE" ?????????

Who the hell would EVER pay 20% MORE for the same thing, just because it's from their local shop??? Screw that dude.....get with the times.....Money is everything, and if I can get the SAME product from someone else for less money......that's where I buy from.....

I mean really.....the crap we have down here is the same you have up there, and for some reason, we have to pay 20% PLUS for it......why??????:soap:
This frickin exchange BS has just cost me a set of twin turbo's......

What the hell ever happen to "FREE TRADE" ?????????

Who the hell would EVER pay 20% MORE for the same thing, just because it's from their local shop??? Screw that dude.....get with the times.....Money is everything, and if I can get the SAME product from someone else for less money......that's where I buy from.....

I mean really.....the crap we have down here is the same you have up there, and for some reason, we have to pay 20% PLUS for it......why??????:soap:

I'll sell you a set of twin turbos....:hehe: Oh and they already passed through Canada once so they should end up being way cheap for ya.
And UPS must be some sort of gov't agency set up to make as much off Canadians as possible. If that bolt had been shipped from the USA @ say $30 , they would charge me a $34 minimum to tell me I owe the gov't $1.50 !! But if it was shipped as a gift . . . . .
I feel really bad for all you guys up north. Seems like there are more and more of you guys getting into diesels, which is great! But when you get screwed when it comes to parts, it makes it an even more expensive hobby
Shipping is a killer for me and I am still part of the US. I usually pay almost double what the parts cost to get things up here.