edge comp troubles

02 dodge4x4 5.9

Not Through Yet
Oct 5, 2006
running down the road normal driving box on 3x4 let off my fuel to to make a left turn truck started just puffing the smoke out the stacks an had no throttle response i was wtf? so i pushed the power off an everything was good so i tryied it again smoking an a popping out the stacks . i dunno any help would be great seems to work fine now ?
anyone else with this
i think the box is goofed up or something sometimes it works sometimes it dont any body else have this problem
cked everything 3 times over still same thing
I have a juice with attitude with the turbo timer. One time it let my truck run for almost an hour. I turned the key off and was able to drive the truck. I had to unplug all the power to the box so my truck would turn off. That was fifteen thousand miles ago, it has worked fine ever since. Its somthing with edge products. 99% of the time I couldn't be happier with the box. I guess its not just me.
Call Edge Ben, see what they have to say. maybe PM 4x4Dually (Coonman :poke: ) and get the contact name he has with them.