edge juice w/attitude problems


Jan 16, 2007
why does it keep doing this?
it just started today...

when i start my truck, it comes on the screen "warning, blah blah agree to the terms press continue blah blah times left: 3"

i started with 6 and i went thru the process 3 times before i realized it kept going down in times..

what is going on?
I dont follow, how many times have you agreed? does it keep reseting itself? Is this your first edge?
i agreed 4 times.
yes it keeps resetting itself.
this is my 4th edge product but my 1st for mopar.

my other 3 were on my past fords.
so you should have 2 left or does it start at 6 again? It may need to be reflashed. Sounds like its losing power to its internal memory some how. And asking you to agree to it. I had a ton of problems with mine. 12 juices and 11 attitudes later, I'm using a diff product. another story though. I'd give them a call and see if it needs to be flashed.
it has 2 left now.

**** i'm leaving for vacation for almost two weeks in just 4 hours.
this is great news, not.
wel, as long as she works thats only a minor inconviece. My edge never left me straded, and seemeed like it made good power, just tons of little annoynces, and a couple big roblems. But I dont wanna start a bash cnversation. This is just my experience sorry I couldnt be of more help.
i remember it did this once with my juice w/attitude (never the platinum) on my 6.0 but after it reset twice, it never did it again.

hmm.. i wonder if maybe my hot wire is coming loose?
i have also noticed, that one out of every 6 starts (just a guess), the monitor will say "connecting to juice" for quite some time then all is good.
yea, I think it was a better product before they were bought out, but thats my opinion. I need to sell mine, its got a hot unlock, and has never even been out of the bubble wrap since I got the last replacement back.

MSD bought them. where do you think MSD got diesel boxes from? :)

Forgive me... Was not aware of that fact. Have been depolyed since January and little news of this nature makes it's way over here.

Thank you for your time.