Edge monitor draining my battery


Oct 11, 2011
Hey guys, I've been running the same two batteries since I've bought the truck and then finally switched it to just a single because it looks a hell of a lot better with one in my opinion. I hardly ever drive the truck it sets in the shop most of its time its just a toy for the strip but when I get in it to start it it seems very sluggish. I noticed that edge monitor has been staying on so I unplug it and plug it back in when i drive again and go on. What would cause this to continue to stay on? I don't even mess with it other than look at it when Im racing or just driving its already set the way I want it?

I could buy a battery tender and just let it constantly trickle charge all the time it wouldn't hurt it but why buy one if I could just figure out why it would be staying on.

Its just a monitor its not a tuner wired directly to the battery.

any help would be awesome thanks!!!!:what:
Do I have to send the monitor itself to Edge to have it updated/reset?

Thanks for the reply Timmay
nope theres a option in the menu to do factory reset, then just get the edge software and update on your computer. Mine did same and that fixed it
OKAY! Thanks ill try it out and see what happens I appreciate it the tech support was absolutely worthless on the phone wouldn't tell me anything