edge to ppe hot+2??


New member
Mar 30, 2009
i have a 05 lly with 4"straight pipe kn filter with edge juice with attitude. but there is a shop here by where i live that is willing to trade my edge with attitude straight up for a ppe hot +2, what do yall think? the only thing that worries me is that i have a stock converter and do not have the money to buy one at the time. just let me know what yall think
thanks jeff
If you plan on doing any work on the trans in the next year or so I would think about trading. The ppe is way to much power for a stock trans but you can run it on a few of the levels.

When you lose the attitude you will no longer have gauges and shift on the fly capabilities. If you don't really ever plan on changing I would keep the edge.
i do plan on doing trans work and putting in guages before id get it but im not sure how soon id be able to actually start beefing up my trany... i just dont really feel like im getting a whole lot from my edge and ive heard good stuff about the ppe
Run, dont walk, get the PPE... Even if you dont run the high levels right now,, at least you will have them... the hot+2 was the nicest tuner I have ever ran on my chevy. The fast learn for the tranny feature rocks too. That is one of the problems with the edge, sure you have on the fly changeability, but then it takes 60 to 100 miles for your tranny to learn... with the PPE, the tranny learns in like 10 miles.. I really miss it
