EFI live

Can anyone tell me why no one has built a EFI live program for the CR yet


ECM's are different, EFI live isn't compatible, there are a number of reasons...a search would reveal all the threads in the last 5 years about it;)

I prefer the mechanical type sewing machines, many more screws to lose and lots more smoke. LOL
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Sorry, that's proprietary information. I could hook you up with a smoke switch for it though. All the cool kids are doing it.

Awesomness now I can back up the "if it dont smoke its broke" sticker on my swinger.

I prefer the mechanical type sewing machines, many more screws to lose and lots more smoke. LOL

What about a p pumped 24v sewing machine?
Awesomness now I can back up the "if it dont smoke its broke" sticker on my swinger.

Good, no one like a poser. Turbo delete mod will make sure everyone knows you play for keeps.

What about a p pumped 24v sewing machine?

"p-pumped" is such a over used term...how about a CR with a sewing machine hanging on the side?

You guys are behind the times, HEUI is where it's at, great for huge power. All the sewing legends use it. I'm saving my pennies.
I swapped mine over last year cause I had a large order of curtains to make and ill never run another system again

By curtains, you mean dresses? It's cool man, your secret is safe with me. I personally don't do women's clothing but hey, I won't judge a guy who does. :lolly:
By curtains, you mean dresses? It's cool man, your secret is safe with me. I personally don't do women's clothing but hey, I won't judge a guy who does. :lolly:

you try on a dress one time and everybody thinks youre a cross dresser:hehe::hehe::hehe: