Electrical problem? HELP!!!


New member
May 9, 2014
So it all started with dead pedal from time to time and the check engine light would come on when I was on it hard, I just figured...no big deal, the vp is just about to take a crap. One day I get in it and leave work and it idling weird and has absolutely no power...when I get home I turn the truck off and all my cluster lights stay on (check engine, abs, etc)....from then on every time the batteries are hooked up you can hear something around the fuse box kick on and the cluster lights come on and ding.

So then I think(maybe it's the ignition switch), so then I unplug the ignition under the dash, hook the batterie cables back up and automatically hear the dinging and the cluster lights come back on which tells me it's not the switch.

I'm puzzled, any help would be appreciated! ( side note, it very rarely cranks now and when it does it runs like complete crap. Could be just the vp gone, or related to this problem)
Disconnect the Adrenaline & return it to stock. Pull EVERY connector under the hood, slather with silicone di-electric grease & cycle 3 times, then snap together. Clean & grease every positive & ground.
