Engine bolt guide?

Got Smoke?

New member
Oct 8, 2006
Ok just curious if there is a bolt guide I can get anywhere for a 97 12 valve? When I pulled my motor apart last year I was a wreck from having to put my 15 yr old border collie to sleep that morning...so yea...I have bucket full 'O bolts :doh:
Organize into groups, post pictures and I'm sure there are many who can identify them.

There aren't too many different sizes.
I can help ya with that man lol dont sweat it :Cheer:

I still have half a coffee can of bolts left over from my engine rebuild/p-pump swap... LOL

Don't sweat it...
I still have half a coffee can of bolts left over from my engine rebuild/p-pump swap... LOL

Don't sweat it...