Engine coatings that work


MR. Supreme Overlord
Jul 31, 2006
Post what you've used. Post how well it worked. Pistons, rods, bearings, etc. No theories; just how it survived. Thanks!
I had a set of stock 05 cummins pistons coated by Swain. After about 10,000 miles the coating had held up fine. I have never melted a piston, so I really don't know if it helped in that respect, but the coating did last. Because of a setup problem, I did crack a block, but the pistons survived. I also had the skirts coated, and they was absolutely no sign of scuffing.

The engine in it now has coated rod and main bearings in it as well as the coated pistons. The main goal was to slow the wear on the upper rod bearings. To early to tell if it's helped or not. Even the stock bearings last a long time. Just trying extend the life a little more.

Sorry I don't have more info...

I am a fan of Swain coatings to. I, like Paul can not really compare them because I have not had a failure either with or without.

Distributor in here is the one to talk to about coating. He has a good deal of real world knowledge on Swain coatings and how much they help.
I have tried piston coatings from a couple different places and have melted pistons just the same. It may help prolong them I dont know but if you get you tunning off in a bad way there is no saving them.
We've use Swain, Polydyn, and some place in North Carolina (I can't remember the name). I can say for a fact that none of these coating will keep aluminum from melting.
The coatings are more about retaining the energy (heat) & not keeping pistons alive.
The job of the coating is to reflect ambient/combustion charge heat, thus greatly reducing what the piston see's, safely increaseing the heat range of the piston, so in other words in reduces heat soak and keeps the heat up top of the piston were it can make power.

The right coatings will do that, but a bad tune will ruin a motor still.
The coatings i use will stay in place well into the *2500 range for short periods, higher heat and duration of time exposed will ruin the coating and then the piston.