Ether Spraying Classes Sign-up Sheet??


Diesel Purist
Nov 14, 2006
Hey Ether Man,
When are your Spring Ether spraying classes beginning? I'm gonna need a crash course (pardon the pun) to make the TS event. Do you have a favorite brand, scented or unscented? I need to learn these things for my compression is a might low. How many cases will I need for a couple of passes? I guess I'll save the rest of my questions for the classroom.

Your 4x4 Low Compression Comrade,
Meacham Evins
Future Graduate of the Ether Man School of Spray Techniques
He is back to Ether Man at the Moment. Soon to be the Ether Bunny I think LOL

Nice lookin pump you got there Meacham!!!!
You better find an Ether Bunny!! The good stuff is like crack like 50 bucks a case!!!

Hey Ether Man,
When are your Spring Ether spraying classes beginning? I'm gonna need a crash course (pardon the pun) to make the TS event. Do you have a favorite brand, scented or unscented? I need to learn these things for my compression is a might low. How many cases will I need for a couple of passes? I guess I'll save the rest of my questions for the classroom.

Your 4x4 Low Compression Comrade,
Meacham Evins
Future Graduate of the Ether Man School of Spray Techniques

we are having our first course of the year at buck and jess's race in north carolina, but i'm pretty sure dad and dennis are holding one on friday at dennis's open house, not sure on the start time as i will have to check. as fars as what brand.....of course we use valvoline brand or pyrol(spelling)? probably the best you can buy is john deere, but it is mighty expensive. as far as how much, i would say you would be safe with saying a case for every start.:hehe:
Dang, and I thought the nitrous*nx* was expensive to run. This ether addiction is gonna be killer. Poor Dennis, he has to deal with both.
Yea guys, this one is gonna be bad..... I think we need to take up donations for a Pampers or Depends fund for Meacham I think he's gonna need them :hehe:
If I have to wait much longer they will send samples of Depends Undergarments with my AARP Card.:doh: