exergy cp3 question


New member
Sep 13, 2012
I have an exergy 10mm 30% over cp3. what size injectors will this pump support. I also have a ad 165. I want to run 75 or 100 overs, will this pump supply enough fuel.
that sounds pricey, you didn't ask the maker what it would support before buying it??????
^^ Yea, really. I'd want to know what it's capable of first.
If it is really 30% over I would think it would push maybe 80 overs, but not a long PW.
So u think a good tuner could make it work with runing a short pw. I got it from a friend of mine , he bought 2 to run as duals but decided to pull workstock now and never used this pump. I traded him a turbo for it and he didnt know what it could supply in a single set up. But I only had 200 bucks in the turbo so im not complaining.
Run it and see how she does, I ran 60 overs on a stock pump I just couldn't take advantage of them
I have run 100% overs with their 30% pump at 2600us. Held 25,500 psi.