Extreme Head studs and trans cooler


this guy
May 17, 2009
Used set of 12v extreme head studs. Torqued once. Only a couple hundred miles on them. I rounded off 7 of the tops so I had my machinist cut them down from 3/8" to 9mm. Picture shows an unrounded one on the left, and one that was cut on the right.

$400 shipped.


Used Derale Performance Atomic-Cool Remote Fan Mounted Oil Cooler 15950. Two years old. Less then 5000 miles. -8an fittings. Will have some of the miscellaneous fittings I still have and temp sensor with it, no hose.

$100 shipped.

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90 shipped for cooler setup? If so message me your PayPal and ill get you a payment
How much torque did you pull on the studs?
Why are you changing them out?
I've read mixed reviews about these studs, what is your opinion on them?
Trying to get your cooler please get back with me, I got money ready to go
P.M. sent, this is getting ugly or some of your friend fukiing with you.
So, you think they will work for me in the car, or should I go with arp?
I aren't stoopid.. just my querstions.

Was wanting to buy them, but now I don't really know