Fall Brawl 2008-"If a man does his best, what else is there?"

So he wasnt the Ford tha was drag racing that we were all watching ?

No. That was a F250 standard cab cut down to a short bed with a 12v in it.

Rich's is a crewcab with a common rail in it. Hell, his wasn't even back together fully at that time.
Different trucks all the way. :Cheer:

I have received word that the NADM group will be on hand with a stand set up and have Sleddy in our presence.it will be nice to have them with us for the first time.Gene has been to our shows in the past and we will welcome him back.

I also will make sure to post the other Torque Challenge invitees by tomorrow evening.Trophies and plaques have been ordered and will be ready shortly.I have kinda left the internet alone recently due to my needing to tend to personal matters.Sorry for the delay gang.

On a personal note...
The recent time off for me was due to having my closest friend recently pass away at the young age of 47 due to heart failure.Its has taken alot of spring out of my step and I needed some time to try and get my head on straight.We grew up together and were like brothers and he was instrumental along time ago getting me into my driving career.The ensuing mess that has arisen since I never expected and reminded me of how stupid act after a loss like this.Those who called and offered help I really do appreciate.

Thanks gang..........Andy
sorry to hear about your andy losing a friend like that is hard my dad and i just lost a good fishing buddy to cancer not to long ago and both of us really haven't been out fishing lately because of it.
Andy, did you get my email, and do you need me to pick up the trophies? If so, drop me a line with and address so I know where I'm going.
Thanks buddy.
Sorry to hear about your loss ...

Still up in the air if I will make this or not ... but it dosn't look too promising right now
I did get your email and thanks!.I will let you know about the picking up deal next week as we get closer.Thanks.

I heard you were in Sarver from Brad.Nice job and hope you can make it East.Not sure if my truck will be there or not as its recovering from headgasketitis.
OK, guys, just a few days away. Who's bringing what, food wise? I'll have the usual burgers and dogs, and some sausage, and of course, the grill.:D
Well Its been a rough couple of weeks and I will slip in for some quick updates now....

I seem to have misplaced my records during packing of the house(one of those not sure which box their in deals,LOL)so here is what I will do for both Ford and Duramax owners with regards to the Torque challenge.The first TWO owners of each make(Ford-Chevy/GMC)who come to me each day will be allowed to compete in the TQ Challenge.

Diane and Jody Tipton who own D-P Tuner are sponsoring this years class trophies and we appreciate their continued support.They will be on hand Friday at SGS for some tuning of their customers rides.

I have just checked with the SGS gang and all is go for the show.IF anyone is camping please use the upper parking area where you will find level ground.I will also ask that those who attend please help with keeping the trash in the proper places and try to not tear up the grassy hill.At past shows we have had some who were deliberate with damage and we would like to not have that happen again.

Weather is looking GOOD for once.Temps in the low 60's are forecast with low humidity.Its should bring us some good air and the chance for very good numbers.So its shine them up,ready the food and about game time,see everyone there!!!!!!.........Andy
Thanks for the offer of help I think its going to recover and make it.Seems like mine is not the only one suffering now from headgasketitis as Wildbore's ride has now coughed his out also.I guess I could blame all this headgasketitis on JetPilot as its was always his truck that suffered from this right before an event.He was a bad influence on all of our trucks,LOL.

I am still at a loss as to why mine went south.Upon looking at the ensuing mess it was evident that it had been compromised for a long time.The last straw was the water jacket passage under the thermostat housing where it began leaking out the side.I have never seen the mess which was on the deck of the block before.The best description of it was a sludge build up in between the cylinders and compression rings.The gasket had carbon trails out to the side of the block and the rear on number 6 yet was not mixing oil and antifreeze in the cooling system.I know the shop that did the original o-ring had the protrusion at 14 which may have been a tad much and led to it.The head has been off and redone and back on and we will see how things progress from now on.........Andy
Well I`m headn to Mid-Atlantic Diesel Performance right now to get that head gasket taken care of.

I`m pretty sure mine blew because of not letting the engine warm up properly. I was just a little excited after Lloyd had been tinkering with my truck:evil
