Fans coming on?


Jun 27, 2007
Now I live in Miami where it has been like ninety something degrees with 1000% humidity(feels like it) and the fans come on and off after sitting in traffic. Temp. gauge doesn't budge, fans usually shut off after driving a bit, but what I am asking is there something I can do to improve the cooling of my truck? I hate to have to hear those fans it worries me
The fan will cycle more often running the A/C. It's part of the engine strategy. The temp gauge is nothing but an idiot light with a needle--it's basically either cold, normal, or hot--not really inbetween's. The factory fan pulls something like 10,000 CFM so it would take a bunch to improve your cooling capacity there. If you want to help your cooling system install a coolant filter kit to keep the crap out. You'd be really surprised how quickly the gunk builds up from casting sand, etc.
Cooling fans will come on from oil temps also. Just because the coolant isn't overheating doesnt mean the oil isnt.
npccpartsman said:
The fan will cycle more often running the A/C. It's part of the engine strategy
Thats mainly when its been happening. So is this normal? Now I 'm not saying they stay on either, but they come on and off.
I live in Miami and my truck only doesn't when coolant is low cause I have a blown headgasket.
It's normal. It's what the clutch is there for. If you don't ever hear it I'd be concerned!