Fastest in the land


New member
Sep 21, 2017
I havent been around as long as most here, but will wade ever learn to be humble? Cant help but cringe at all of his comments, seems pretty unproffesional with a hint of butthurt. He seems to make a pretty bad face for himself over social media.

Cant help but think of this every time he mentions how fast hes been going for so long






I cant believe anyone affiliates themselves with him, id be embarassed. Just stirring the pot.

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I saw that chit show whilst I was waiting at Culver's last night.

Quite honestly, he needs to drag his pro mod out of wherever he is and be at ECD this weekend. The best way to quiet people is to put up. He won't shut up, so it's time to put up.
Against unpopular opinion i was correct, Jared and I have the fastest side by side pass which I posted on that same thread, which you seem to have missed....

Case and point

Don’t falsely advertise!
Against unpopular opinion i was correct, Jared and I have the fastest side by side pass which I posted on that same thread, which you seem to have missed....

Case and point

Don’t falsely advertise!

Fastest combined ET? Ryan proved you wrong on FB. No one cares about MPH
Must do yoga to be that good at patting himself on the back.

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Ah, a good ol' "fast vs quick" jawfest.

Looks pretty damn fast (and quick) to me.
If I post now, am I quicker or faster at responding?
If I post now, am I quicker or faster at responding?

LOL Your Quickest because you came in first but I am fastest because I typed at a higher stroke per minute.

This is the dumbest chit I have ever read, I don't know this Wade guy but it is like watching a 4 year old saying NU-HU!!!

First, if your MPH was higher but you lost....YOU LOST

Second, Ryan's math was right, he just didn't know you were talking about something that didn't matter
Wade can top anyone on CompD at strokes per minute

I think that is undisputed.

If MPH is important then take your A$$ to Bonneville, I think you are chasing just a shade over 350MPH (for one car) held by the JCB DieselMAX Streamliner
Against unpopular opinion i was correct, Jared and I have the fastest side by side pass which I posted on that same thread, which you seem to have missed....

Case and point

Don’t falsely advertise!

Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.
The proper phrasing is "Case in Point"- an instance or example that illustrates what is being discussed.

You may be quick, but you cant outrun the grammar police.
In my time on this earth, I have also learned to spell Jesus, God, He, and Him with capital letters, to show respect, and a few other things. Isn't that correct, Wade?
Every time I see this I somehow expect it to be about the 60’s JP cut a while back.