Fastest vp44 fuel only times

and what are yall getting at?

oh not getting at anything buddy. it just all makes since now. i was giving you a hard time about the mph but i didnt no what you were running for electronics thats why i asked on page 2. with a 28 inch tire, at trapping at those speeds it makes totall since, since you are not running a redline. a drag comp only fuels to 3200 rpm so it all makes sense now. if you had a redline that pulled to 4k the mph would be alot faster. realistically you should be really close to the 120mph range.
i gotchaa yea well this weekend i was trappin around 120 but i couldnt get it too hook up, i wasnt boostin as much off the line and still couldnt get it to hook so the tire size i went with is good (31 inch) but they wont hook up and i cant find a strict drag radial thats 31 inches tall
Looking at some of the times posted. I under estimated the VP44 badly. I didn't think it was capable of even doing low 13's.
A buddy of mine ran 11.85 last weekend on a stock vp44 only runing 65psi so there is allot left in the truck he is just afraid of poping the head gasket.
Thanks Gus, 1.66 60' and 7.4050 1/8. I'd post the slip but I don't know how. Thanks Steve B.

Great run. You guys make me sick with your 1.6X 60' times. :hehe: I need to man-up and build more than 10lbs of boost I guess. :doh:
I ran my first time ever on my manual tranny single disk clutch and went 2.396 60'. Is that SLOW or what?