Feed back on the Smarty SSR tuners???


New member
Apr 2, 2012
A friend of mine just bought an 03 , and A the injectors are going in it so its going to need those and isntgoing with stock ones. He wants to build it up a fair amount and is having me do the work. As for tuners I'm leaning more towards the SSR , I like the wide range of tuneablity but not sure ifthats the best route to go with for the build. Any input or suggestions would be great!!
SSR is a blind guess at best UDC is a joke now! I know nothing of EFI but may look at it soon! Best luck and ease of use I had was with the S06 POD but not sure if 03 is covered?
Build plan is the standard , already has a tranny and looking to do a small upgrade on injectors , a bigger single turbo and , head studs , not looking for anything real crazy just a basic off the shelf build. I will be lookin at what is out there foA the good tried and true setups , im not lookingb to re invent hewheel. And yes I have access to dyno at a rather fair price and I do plan to use it. To my dissapointmentstill no EFI LIVE for an 03 , or that would make my life much simpler!!! If not the SSR what would be a good reccomended tuner? Thanks again!!! CompD never let's me down.
Wait for efi and while your doing that stock up on the parts that you want. Then your not dropping the cash at once but a little at a time. When efi is out I think its gonna be real hard to sell the old tuners, just like if you bought a SSR. I was thinking of buying smarty Jr. for my 03 till I get a tranny but was worried about the resale of it when efi hits the shelves.
Put a Smarty on it. Efi live may be the answer sometime in the future, but the fact is, with what you're doing, and what a lot of folks have done, a Smarty will make plenty of power.
I got tired of fighting overboost and limp mode and my TST took a crap, so I took off the original TNTr for SSR. Its a total PIA to tune without a day and a dyno, but it still changes depending on weather.