FICM fiddling

If you have not even studded the engine, WTF are you thinking about a FICM 4. Your name is perfect.
I'll stud when the gaskets start leaking. Maybe you should learn to read. I initally stated that I DID NOT KNOW what the point of the mod was, and then ASKED if it was a bad idea with out studs. Maybe you missed the part where people ask questions becasue they don't know the answer. So I guess your opinion is that it should not be done with out studs, or do you not know anything about it and are just assuming studs are necessary for any mods?
Maybe he could call banks for some ficm tuning..they are offering ficm tuning for dumasses now.

I already did. They told me not to waste my time because the fact that my truck still HAD a FICM meant it would never make any real power. They told me that I should go out and look at my grill, that before it left the factory the ford engineers were nice enough to circle the problem.
First, I never claimed to be some "Great Flamer". Since I have a wife and son, "flamer" is the last word I would use to describe myself.
I just don't see punks, which is what you are, as a worthy adversary.

Second, where is my motivation to help you? Every one of your posts has been some kind of smartass comment directed towards another member. I'll honestly be shocked if anyone gives to anything other than a bunch of $hit.
You have 13 posts and have already been banned once for being a putz, now you are close to another. Not because of what you have said to me, I don't care what you think of me, but what you have said to others!
First, I never claimed to be some "Great Flamer". Since I have a wife and son, "flamer" is the last word I would use to describe myself.
I just don't see punks, which is what you are, as a worthy adversary.

Second, where is my motivation to help you? Every one of your posts has been some kind of smartass comment directed towards another member. I'll honestly be shocked if anyone gives to anything other than a bunch of $hit.
You have 13 posts and have already been banned once for being a putz, now you are close to another. Not because of what you have said to me, I don't care what you think of me, but what you have said to others!

I have only responded to other peoples comments. I have not said one negative thing that was not in DIRECT respons to a negative comment made by some one else. I have posted legitamite questions, only to be met, with exception to a few, who I have THANKED, with bs responses about things that have nothing to do with topic at hand. I guess the members in this thread are the ones who need to grow thicker skin, not me. Again, learn to read... I only RESPONDED to negativity with negativity. Never did I just make a smart ass comment towards another member. Your link led no where, I thanked you for the info and let you know it wasn't working, CIVILY, you got snide. I was banned before for some BS because the mod went all knee jerk because I posted something POSITIVE about banks. There was nothing negative or uncalled for in my first post. You are the putz, the mod who originally banned me managed to respond civily to this thread and even provide some FICM info, and I didn't say anything negative about him. Though when I was first banned I did call him an ass hat, I guess I was wrong about him. Don't get all high and mighty on me WHEN YOU and others are the ones starting the BULL. It's funny how I get fired at, I fire back, and I am the one who is taking it personally and needs thicker skin? I guarntee NOTHING has been said that I take personal, or has made me upset in any way.

Now would you care to elaborate on your link to a search that returns no results. Assuming of course it was a search to something pertinant to the FICM mod. Thanks for your time:thankyou2:
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Here's how things work Dumass...

See...we like to have a good time around here....but if you're gonna take everything so personally then you're gonna have a hard time.
I edited out your edit....I'll let it slide this time....but you really gotta relax and get that thicker skin.

This is NOT a flame war website....if that's what you're looking for then perhaps this isn't the place for you to hang out.

If you want to learn some stuff...and go through the occasional thread derailment...then chill out and hang out.

You'll learn pretty quickly that it's all in good fun.

I understand, have all the fun you want. I am not looking for flame wars, but if I feel someones post was an attempted insult, I'll fire back. That doesn't mean I was offended or my feelings got hurt. I hope to learn a few things, or I wouldn't be asking questions. Again though, when the first responder to my question brings in some BS and doesn't even try to address the question, I'm gonna call said poster out as an ass hat. And if subsequent posters feel the need to defend the original poster by being negative towards me, fine I'll call them ass hats too, nothing personal. I don't mind a thread being derailed either, it is the normal progression of things on forums, it wasn't my intent to imply that I was worried about a threadjack. Sorry for my earlier thread edit, while I still think it was funny, it may have been uncalled for in your case. My skin is plenty thick, and apparently yours is too.
So Va. Beach huh? Sounds like Navy? I see your a test pilot huh?
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Just because I'm such a nice guy...I'm throwing this up for you.
In the future....try the Search seems to work really well. You could have spent hours reading about what you want instead of defending yourself and calling everyone an ass hat.

With that said....this thread gets back on track now or it'll just go away.
I'm not in the mood to babysit today.
Just because I'm such a nice guy...I'm throwing this up for you.
In the future....try the Search seems to work really well. You could have spent hours reading about what you want instead of defending yourself and calling everyone an ass hat.

With that said....this thread gets back on track now or it'll just go away.
I'm not in the mood to babysit today.

Well the link just goes to the same sorry no matches found. I will do some more searching on my own I guess.
It must time out.
Hit search....go to Advanced Search...type in FICM 6.0 Powerstroke as the forum to search in and you'll get a whole page of threads about it.

I checked my link twice after I posted was good.
I guess the FICM re programming is just too new for alot of information to be out about it. With only 2 or 3 people doing it and the need to send out the FICM to be done I guess it will be awhile before this is really main stream. O well, I hope FICM modding turns out to be ass sweet as it sounds.