fire rings

They're more desireable on a higher boost application or if your going to have the head off more often. O-ringing achieves the same purpose, but is limited on how much air the motor can handle.
Yes, you can run fire rings on a head that has been o-ringed. You have to machine the head to get the ring out first, but it's not that difficult.
I stuck with O-Rings, maybe it has been the 5 years of trouble free service they have gave me.

I hear ya jim. We've seen over 100 psi of boost with O-ringing without damaging the head or gasket failure
a local 24V with twins went the fire-ring route and he can't seem to hold a gasket for more than a few months... I think he went through 3 gaskets in a year... He really wished he went with o-rings

he prob has 12mm studs also doesnt he? the rings on #3 and 4 prob arent crushing enough. tell him to mic the rings in relation to where they are in the grooves. that will tell a lot. josh
They say o-rings will last longer in DD applications. I went with Fire Rings and have almost 10k on it and no problems.
Normally O -ring is just copper or steel wire pressed to block, but can you use full circle O-ring made of stainless steel (like firereing) with head gasket?
Got a buddy that has had fire ring for the last 3 or 4 years with 12mm studs pushing 60-65psi of boost and spraying 50/50 water/meth that hasn't had any issues.
Straight edge the block, deck the head (cause they will be warped) cut in an O-Ring with a Bridgeport (.041 or .051 wire) with at at least a .010 protrusion up to a .018, stud it and do a proper heat cycle re-torque a few times and go smash the Sh** out of it.

i have 50 k on my firerings, but i went through 2 sets with the 12mm studs. switch to 14's and prob solved. i have the rings that leaked and you can see a difference with your eye on how they crushed not only from #6 down to #1 but there is a difference on each side of the same ring on # 3 and 4. just not enough clamp force for my application, 135ftlbs. now they are a tad higher. j