free dogs


Its never fast enough
Oct 18, 2008
How much do you think a good barking ass dog is worth, will bark all night or at least till you shoot at it in the freakin dark and they all run away. If anybody would like to save there lives pm me so i dont have to waste my bullets thanks
yeah my wifes got some kind of rat terrior i think thats what its called that SOB wont stay in the pin by no means i got a hines 57 mutt and after he found out who was boss he learned not to bark and to stay in the freakin pen. Now my wifes dog tryies to bark until i smack the crap out of him and he still digs out, he would be a good friend to a prisoner trying to get out of jail. But the neighbors dogs and i mean all of them came all the way up the road though the pasture and to the bed room window at like 1:30 am had to get up at 5:30 am so i unloaded my new gun at them dont worry there was nothing to hit but trees or a dog, but it was dark and just wanted them to shut up they have not come back yet but i ready to leave them dead in the owners front yard if nessary, maybe it wont have to come to that.
Man, it would take me forever...

My OL picked up this junk yard dog from the pound when I was on the boat (we had decided after the last dog went bad that we not going to get another dog for a while) and I consented to it after she said that the pound let her 'test it out for a few days' before buying it... and the kids loved it...

Now, I'm not trying to bash my wife or give her a hard time. I did say it was ok.

So, anyhow... this punk starts peeing in the house all the time, come to find out, he has bladder stones, 1500 bucks to get him fixed. Soooo... I tell the doc to go ahead an give him the bullet. But, when the I go to get the dog to give him the bullet myself, the old man (nice guy :rolleyes: ) says that he talked to my OL, and my kids, and how it would break their hearts to see Cletus die, so he was going to do the surgery for free, and I'd just pay the stuff for the x-ray and medicine. (about 500 bucks). Sooo....

We get him fixed and at home, and then he pees on the floor a few more times, then craps on the rugs that my OL had just got done steam cleaning all dang day. So, now Cletus is out in the yard on a chain. OL wants to off him now, and I told her that if we kill him, we're eating him after what I paid for him.

So, now I'm building a fence. I've done it all my life, so no biggy. What's the first thing that old Cletus does? Diggs out. So... I try a few things that probably are not a good idea to make public. Then, I got an electric fence and installed it just on the side that he had been digging out on. Diggs out on the other side. Run the fence all the way around.

So far, so good... but I'm waiting for him to dig under the house to get out!

Told ya it was a long one.
my wifes dog digs all the time everytime i fix the last place he dug out he finds a new one and when i get home hes on the front porch just as happy as can be. (I'm sure hes laughing at me).
On that fence.... Dig a small trench along the inside fence. Place heavy chain-link in the trench curving it from the fence towards the inside. You only need fence about 18" tall. You'll burry 90% of the fence. The only part that you'll see is the part directly under the exsisting fence sticking straight up.
my old dog want even tear up garbage now he found out the hard way to stop only problem now is he want play with any chew toys i brought him if you laid a bag of dog food out he sits there whining till you open and pour some out for him to eat. What broke him from bad habits a 2by4 that was laying around the yard
I hear that if you put pepper in the holes that he likes to dig in, he'll stop. Or a land mine...

That electric fence seems to have worked for the time being.
Pepper has never worked for crap. My boot and a 2by4 has never worked either. Cattle prods are useless. But the electric fenced with the shock collar turned all the way up for some reason worked. Now the inlaws dog just looks at you like your retarded if you open the gate and tell to load up. Course when the fence was on she never left from under the shed.
I got one for my dog that increases as he barks so the more he barks the harder it shocks :D.

They even make some that come with a remote, and selectable shock strengths, Level 5 just about makes em do a back flip!
does anyone want my neabors 7 outdoor cats, make that 6 he lost one in the packer the other day , he's probably still looking for it