Free ZEX kit... Should I use it??


New member
Aug 26, 2006
Ok guys, a buddy of mine is gonna give me his brand new, never used ZEX dry kit as payment for towing his car for him..... my questions is.... should I use it.... its just a universal dry kit with a 10# bottle, lines, ZEX control box and the wiring...... I believe its also got a 75shot nozzle with it and possibly a 50.... if I run this kit, I wanna do it right, so I'm already figuring on a progressive controller (does ZEX offer one?? couldn't find it on their website), and probably a bottle heater and a guage or two, but is there anything I should get before I attempt this?? btw, no head studs....... I'm new. just tryin to decide if I should stash the kit away for a later date after some other mods or if I'll be ok if I run a small "shot" and a pro. controller....... flame away for the dumb "newb-like" questions.

I ran for a while without Studs using a .72 jet. No problems. That being said, I would get studs, no doubt first. I was ready to replace the studs and didn't mind blowing the HG's.
I have a plug for a ford that will let you screw it into a factory spot. I will check with the guy I got it from and make sure its not for a 7.3. If you want it.
dodge359 said:
I have a plug for a ford that will let you screw it into a factory spot. I will check with the guy I got it from and make sure its not for a 7.3. If you want it.

hell yeah I do.... what factory spot, do you know?? lemme know when you find out, I'm very interested.

and nummit, I think I'll hold onto it........ so I'm assuming its not worth the risk of runniing without Studs even with a small jet.
Put that thing on and spray it!

I have the ZEX kit on mine and it's a decent system without spending alot.
I have mine on a Full Throttle Position sensor spraying into the intake.

I've sprayed a 125 shot a few times and I'm still on stock headgaskets and bolts(knock on wood)
I agree. That's great. Based on your explanation, it's a win-win!

Ghetto it!

Put the bottle in a gym bag in the passenger seat, knock out a pan plug from the bottom of the cab and feed the line through, zip tie the solenoid to the air intake, and punch a hole in the air filter and cram the nozzle through.

For electrics, just unplug your horns, and run one wire from the horn fuse to the solenoid hot, the ground the other solenoid wire. Hit the horn for spray.

20 minutes tops. 10 minutes if you get good at it. Can be removed without a trace in minutes.
I'm still kinda torn on what to do...... I'm guessin if I have DJ make me a nitrous tune that'd probably make sprayin it a little safer too I'd reckon....... Its a hard decision...... who makes a progressive controller?? NX??

How come you are stuck on the progressive controller? NX has a controller for their big kit but its more for a traction control issue.
PSDPlayer said:
How come you are stuck on the progressive controller? NX has a controller for their big kit but its more for a traction control issue.

just from the reading I've done around the site, ti seems like its the safest way to throw in Nitrous, instead of throwin the whole shot in at once...... or am I wrong??? Would I be ok with just a WOT switch?? that'd DEF. be cheaper. I just wanna do it the safest way possible, b/c I care about that big expensive motor under the hood and DEF. can't afford a new one. lol

send it to meee!!!!!
I'll pay shipping and maybe a little something more...:hehe:
but seriously!
send it to me!