Fresh 48re no lockup


May 3, 2022
Fresh 48re with a muldoons fmvb. I have no lock up. When I command lockup, no rise in line pressure. 1, 2 and 3 have 140psi. 4th has 190psi. Lockup is supposed to be 190psi as well. When I command lockup in 3rd, line pressure doesn't rise. Pressure at OD port is 190psi when commanded. Redid the wiring and even manually grounded the wires to rule out the switches. Swapped solenoids with known good ones. Anyone got any ideas? I'm using a santjer shaft and the sealing ring is on the stator, could that sealing ring be messed up?
I'd think if the sealing ring was that bad of a seal to have no lock, you'd still see a small difference in line pressure.

I know you said you've manualy grounded the circuit, but have you checked for a constant 5v power source?