Friendly Dealers in Texas

Santa Gertrudis

Dec 12, 2006
Im getting close to 90k, which means my warranty is on its way out. Before its gone, I would like to try and get studs installed under warranty. Im just now starting to spit a little bit of coolant, and I atleast want to give it a shot with a dealer before the warranty is gone.
If you have one send it in a PM. Ford watches these boards for crap like this. Don't get them in trouble by posting here. You have a PM Colin.
A tech at the Dealer i used to go too asked me about Comp-D once.. He said he was "Browsing" and saw a post by me, He asked "why i'd be on a site like this with a Stock truck, It is stock Right?" I just laughed and said I have other diesels without warranty.. He then proceeded to tell me how they (The Dealer) watches sites like these to see if the trucks coming in for work were modded, have problems so the stuffs taken off so there warranty isn't effected..

Same dealer wouldn't do Studs for me, even when the heads were off the truck they said no!