fuel leaking bad


New member
Feb 11, 2009
My 06 is leaking fuel, from what I can tell its somewhere around my back 2 or 3 injectors. All the lines are tight tough, but i just put the mp-8 on it. and thats when it started leaking...any suggestions?
is it gushing fuel out or a slow leak? will it still start up and run? If not its usually the #4 injector line at the head.
on the back of the head is a banjo fitting.. its your return line, very hard to see. check that.

This sounds familiar,.. only I had much more of a problem. Before I tell you my situation,.. did YOU have a rail pressure gauge and if so what pressure was it running?

I bought an MP-8 new in early July. And NO I don't have a rail pressure gauge. You all know as well as I that I have read probably a 1k or more testimonies where guys talk about putting their MP-8 on Kill. My assumption is they turn it all the way up. I think most people would read that statement like that,.. turned all the way up.

I went maybe a week after purchasing it and never strayed beyond 1/2 turn on it and had NO problem. Mostly I did that because I didn't have ample LP pressure to supply it and once I got the new LP and had plenty of fuel per my on dash gauge then I turned it to 3/4 turn thinking I had pressure to spare and all hell broke loose. On a single run I blew a plug on the back of my second cp3 pump which was a brand new pump put on the same time as the MP-8. I still had a leak and found that the rail pressure sensor,.. not the RV valve since my rail is capped also shot craps. I've had the injectors three different places and three so called experts have given me different appraisals on the condition of the injectors so now I have replaced them with a second set (stockers) I had on the shelf. The injectors are still a work in progress to see if damage was done to them.

I had a thread on this a few weeks back on the MP-8 and if anyone had had such a problem,.. and here you are,... hmmmmm! My thinking was maybe there is a mis-calibration problem here and it was going beyond 28k or 29k psi. You would think it would be designed to NOT exceed certain parameters of a 30k psi system and if guys all the time are talking about going the max on it then it should be safe,... NOT. So TS came on my thread and said send it in. I had my repair guy do just that. They lose it,.. they have NO record of it,... etc etc etc and the very day they are telling me via e-mail that they never got it then it comes back to my repair guy,.. in a box they supplied,... and absolutely NO note or anything on what they found. Now that's comforting,... right!! Talk about mis-handling. So I don't know squat about this thing. You can call that what you will,... I call that STINKY customer service.

Back to your problem,.. I'd almost bet you did the same thing as I did and cranked it up at least to the 3/4 turn mark and then you are having problems. I'm I right or not??? :bang
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yep i cranked it up and ran it a couple times and thats when i noticed the diesel smell...how did you fix yours?
and no i dont have a rail pressure guage, but i have one on the way now!
On a single run I blew a plug on the back of my second cp3 pump which was a brand new pump put on the same time as the MP-8. I still had a leak and found that the rail pressure sensor,.. not the RV valve since my rail is capped also shot craps.

So TS came on my thread and said send it in. I had my repair guy do just that. They lose it,.. they have NO record of it,... etc etc etc and the very day they are telling me via e-mail that they never got it then it comes back to my repair guy,.. in a box they supplied,... and absolutely NO note or anything on what they found. Now that's comforting,... right!! Talk about mis-handling. So I don't know squat about this thing. You can call that what you will,... I call that STINKY customer service.

Capping the rail isn't a good idea. :badidea:

Wonder what the deal with TS is? :what:
Rail capping

Capping the rail isn't a good idea. :badidea:

Wonder what the deal with TS is? :what:

I sure would NOT have had the level of expense I have had with this issue had I been running an rv valve instead of the cap. 20/20 hindsight tells me that I didn't have the level of protection that was available to me.

BUT,.... that says nothing about the SOURCE of my problem and the SOURCE of the problem identified in this thread by 0124cummins on a totally different truck/& owner. I go back to my original premise that I didn't do ANYTHING that hundreds of users on this Forum and other Forums haven't done but I got this crazy over the top result,.. as did the thread starter here. We both just turned the friggin MP-8 up a little,.. NOT maxed out and Voila!!! Problems galore. What the H... is going on here is my point. And TS sends it back to me after looking at it and NO comment,.. can't find it,... no record of it. Just NOT right guys.

My best hope as I truly believe something was screwed up with it now that I have it back,... I really hope they found and resolved the problem. But I promise you I won't go past 1/2 turn until I get a rail gauge on this truck to throughly test it at different levels before I venture into the area past 1/2 turn.
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Hmm, no way now to tell for sure what happened... be nice to have tested the RP/MP-8% before & after the round trip to TS.
OT-OF-HERE I dunno if i would go blaming the mp8 with no proof right away since you have no RP guage and dual cp3s. I think a person has to tune there truck what might give one guy 26thou rp at 3/4 on his mp8 you might get 26 thou rp at 1/4 on it. There are alot of factors what pumps you have injectors are you rail capped programing duration.

expecting you can just throw a chip on kill mode(even if you just turned it up a little your RP might have went thru the roof) on a modded truck cause so and so did or this guy over here did.
Aint the best way to tune your truck.
Modded trucks break I have even had my mod parts break and take out other parts but i dont go blaming the company that made it its the risk you take to play the game.
yeah but its crazy that this product clearly states that it does not raise rail pressure obove the safe maximum. What do i need to do to fix this problem i have of diesel fuel all over the ground
Did you ever hear Ducks fart under water,...

They all sound the same.

Those that can't tune don't! They just hang some NOS on their truck and call it a day.
I thought they just took it to a shop and had the shop blow it up for them.....
Well Lloyd,..

Is that right huh?

I think you know by now and over several years I have respect for you and your accomplishments and have come to you on issues. YOU know that wasn't directed at you and folks like you. It was not well done on my part and I can see that,.. it was the old shotgun and not a 22 that was called for under the circumstance. My bad.

To tell the truth,.. I'd like to run it myself!
Spray & Pray...

firearms or :nos: - sometimes it works better than others. :Cheer:
Go as far on fuel as you can then spray it and ride it till it chits a part number