Fuel line diagram


New member
Oct 4, 2006
Guy, it's been a long time since I tore my truck apart, so forgive me for asking a seemingly obvious question; How do I connect the fuel lines to my truck? The one line that's easy is the line connecting the fuel pump to the fuel filter. I know where the other lines go to, but I can't seem to get them to lay down and fit correctly. The supply line to the fuel pump fits, but I can't figure out where the tab bolts on. The line between the fuel filter and injection pump will fit pretty easily. The return line from the injection pump is giving me fits. I can't seem to get it to twist around correctly, much less trying to figure out how the two tabs are bolted down. Can you guys give me a hand here? Some pics would be fleepin' awesome.
the return line that has 2 tabs on it bolt to the tappet cover which is the middle and last bolt. the other part of it that goes to the back side of the pump is held on by the pump mount bolt that is behind the pump iirc.