fuel plate and black smoke?


New member
Mar 17, 2007
:umno: i have a tst#5 fuel plate in the stock position.i only get black smoke when i shift through the gears when i pound on it hard.just a puff.at shifts.i have not messed with the star wheel.if i sit still at idle no smoke.but if i punch it then let up then punch it ,it smokes a lot for a little bit.but normal driving it dont smoke at all.should i leave it alone or mess with the star wheel?i just dont want to get messed with by the police.by the way i have a single stack so i can see whats happening at all times. i plan on towing with it cross country.thanks
I would say leave it alone, smoke is just unburnt fuel, but if smoke is what your looking for than go ahead and crank the starwheel in. That will give you a decent amount.