fuel problems


New member
Dec 28, 2007
i have a 94 dodge that i can get running. It had a fuel leak that was coming from the fuel filter. so i changed it and after that i can get it started. I filled the filter with fuel, i hand primed forever it seems. i have fuel at the injection pump inlet line, and i also have fuel coming out of the return. but fuel doesn't come out of the injection pump. i put air to the fuel tank to try and prime the system. thats the only way i get air out of the return. the hand primer wont do that. i took the line off the lift pump and put my thumb over the the opening and tried to hand prime, and the is no pressure building around my thumb. im starting to think that the lift pump went bad. what does anyone else think? what gets me is i drove it to get the fuel filter and to my shop and it ran fine just leaked. does anyone have any ideas

I would make sure the fuel solenoid is working and comming up all the way ,,, Mine failed all at once and I had to manually pull it up to drive it a couple of days ...
I would make sure the fuel solenoid is working and comming up all the way ,,, Mine failed all at once and I had to manually pull it up to drive it a couple of days ...

x2...definitely quick and easy to check...just turn your key on and bump the starter...if the solenoid doesn't pull itself up, do it by hand...

however, if the solenoid does work properly my next bet would be lift pump...when they go out on the mechanical engines they are a biotch to start and it's obvious they're junk...