Fuel return plumbing


Resident Smartass
Apr 7, 2010
So I have just finished up my self made side draft...now I have to tackle the fuel return. Would there be any issue with running the 3 returns (CP3, PRV, and injector return) all into a manifold type block and back to the tank?

The commonly sold filter housing deletes will not work as the metal lines and my intake will want to occupy the same space. Is there any reason the lines have to be tied together like they are on the stock filter housing or filter housing delete kits?

Any pics would be cool too!
You can tie them all together into one single return to the tank with no problem. I like your manifold block idea. It should work fine.
This won't work?
Possibly would. Im just gonna run to Parker store and get a manifold block, will do the same job just not a perty!