Fuel tank leak when full


New member
Sep 22, 2010
I have an '01 and whenever I fill up with a full tank I get a stream of fuel spilling onto the ground for several seconds. I crawled underneath the other day while fueling up and found where it's coming from:

I've seen other trucks have a solid rubber cap here, but mine has this white plastic piece in the middle and it's open (I can poke a toothpick through it...thankfully I didn't let go). Does anyone else have this??? Seems like a great way to get debris into the tank...
Got to auto parts and I think its 1/4 rubber cap and a hose clamp and it will fix it. It looks like yours is dry rotted and when you top your truck off the filler neck is higher and it drains until it levels off.
I was under the impression the thing on the right (with the 90* barb port) was the tank vent, is that right? I just can't believe mine doesn't have a solid rubber cap on the aux port, the fuel gueshes out of the top of it like a geyser because the little white plastic piece in that short hose is open.
Mine has a rubber cap on it like stated above. Has always had one ad far as I know. Looks like yours used to have one too from what looks like a clamp on the neck itself. Hard to see though
hmm,thats probably my problem then too. While making a long road trip I noticed my whole rear end was covered in fluid.. my heart sank. got down and checked it out it was just fuel they had been splashing over everything! only when i have a full tank though.