Fueling Problems Please Help


New member
May 28, 2009
Hey guys having a little issue with fueling. Truck will run and idel great but my pedal to fuel is very inconsistent. If i stomp on it, the truck will cut out and put no fuel to it almost like my throttle is not working. I am currently ordering a filter for my airdog hoping that is the problem. But a friend of mine also mentioned something that is notorious that has to do with the rail. Can any of you guys please help me?
We might be able to help if you gave a little info on the truck. Year, mods, etc.
More info would help.

Did it just start doing this or did you change something (injectors, cp3....) and now your having problems?

Could be PRV, CP3, FCA, Fuel filter, TPS, bad fuel, crank sensor...

Do you have a lift pump pressure gauge?
yeah sorry guys i have an 04 with minor head work, studded, 90 ddps, airdog 150 fuel system, 62 mm switzer. my fuel pressure gauge says right around 19 or 20 so i think it is good. I am really hoping it is just the fuel filter but when you guys talk about codes. I dont rid of the codes just by deleting them correct?
if i am having a code problem to i just run it up to scheid and let them do their thing with it?
If you have good fuel pressure I dont think a filter will fix the problem. what does it do if you slowly apply throttle?

I would check the TPS/APPS if it doesnt consistently/smoothly increase RPM.
when i very very slowly get on it, it will not do it as bad as if i just stomp on it but it does have a stock cp3 and as i said before my fuel pressure is great. I just want to set the cruise and get er home to illinois and and drop it off at scheid but from what it is doing it does not seem like a big deal. Still runs and idles great it is just when i get on it at a quick pace that is is very inconsistent throttleing. You guys think it is some kind of sensor or computer problem then? Took my smarty of and back to stock and it is still doing it.
okay guys hopefully this information can help a bit more. I ahve 6 codes.

1. p2121- unknown
2. p2122- accelerator pedal position sensor curcuit low(think this might be it)
3. P2769- unknown
4. p0973- Transmission overdrive curcuit voltage low
5. p0713- Transmission temp voltage to low
6. p0868- governer pressure sensor voltage to high.

Hopefully these help and if they can i just run er over to scheid to get it fixed?
Your APPS will give the transmission bad info if it is not working correctly. # 2,4,6 could all be cause by the APPS.

You can check it with a volt meter, set to ohms.
It gets pretty annoying when the pedal dies, but it definitely sounds like the APPS
If you own any basic hand tools,have a couple hundred bucks and an hour of your time then you can fix the apps.