Funny Idle


May 18, 2008
My truck tends to hunt at an idle, it even does it w/ my chip off and i was wondering why it would do that, any ideas?? My RPM's tend to bounce around at an idle too. It doesn't do it all the time but it does do it, any ideas on that one??
How much of a variation are we talking about? My needle has bounced around about 25-50rpm since I bought the truck and every VP truck I've been around does the same thing.
mine used to bounce alot in stock form, it always did. It really does now tho.
Mine does this right now after it sets for a few days. The longer it sets, the worse it gets. I think I have an air leak between the LP and the tank. Once it sets, the fuel leaks back down. Then when I start it it pulls air in to the filter. It runs like shiznit until I drive down the road a couple miles and runs great until it sets again. How long does it hunt? All the time? Changed your fuel filter lately? Have you put a gauge on your LP pressure? What year truck? Any mods?