Future for 03-07 5.9 loyal Smarty guys??


New member
Jun 15, 2009
just wondering if there is going to be anythign new coming out of us 5.9 guys in the new year. preferably before pullin season:bow: i know bob its hard to say or promise anything, it's just im dedicated to smarty through and through. everyone else is coming out with tunes and more tunes faster and faster. i just want to be able to use the smarty alone without all this stacking to get my power. a lot to ask i know but i believe in you and marco can do this. basically we just dont want to be put on the backburner because of the newer 6.7 motors. with all the focus on them this seems to always happen when a new motor comes out. happend to the VP trucks when the common rails came to. with all companies that is. i just need a little boost for the future of us loyal 5.9/Smarty owners!!