Future owner in the UP ehh of Michigan..


Future owner
Feb 2, 2011
Hey guys..

I'm a member of a few sites and since I will someday own a F-250 Harley Davidson, I thought it would be smart to start reading up.. I am very knowledgeable about gas engines but as all know, diesel is a whole new world..

Right now, I own 2 vehicles.. I have a 1999 Ranger and a 2000 Lincoln LS.. On to the pics of the currents:




The Ranger will stay stock (because that will be sold to get the newer truck) but the LS will be far from stock.. Right now, working on a custom supercharger.. Next winter, higher stall converter, and custom rear end to accommodate 4.10s or 4.30s..

So I look forward to learning from you guys and bringing my knowledge to the table whenever possible.. I have access to online manuals so I'll frequent often..
I'm in the Marquette area.. For college..


Most stalked girl..? :bow: lol

With all the money I have into my car, I could have sold my ranger plus that money and got it by now..

I didn't give myself the title. You missed the "Welcome" thread. :lolly: I'm sure someone will mention it....