Garrett Ball Bearing Install Question???


Aug 5, 2006
Hey a quick question that some of you might be able to answer!

I've got about everything I need rounded up to install my GT4088R Dual BB Garrett, but have found I might need a restrictor fitting for the oil feed line...anyone know if this is true?? The charger has a small opening in the oil feed port anyway, maybe 50-60 thousandths...but I was told that a .035 hole is what's needed!

That's the only thing I'm missing!
Thanks for any help!
They say it depends on the oil pressure the engine produces! Probably helpful...but I kinda wanted a yes/no answer!

It sounds like they didnt give you any guidelines hard is it to say "If you are pushing 60psi of oil pressure, you will need x sized restrictor." I looove non-helpful tech support.

TurboBeagler said:
The Garrett Stage 3 kit with the 37 series turbo comes with a resrictor.

That would be helpful if I had a Garrett Stage III, but this is a GT4088R...and from the way Garrett "helped" me before, they probably won't sell me one part of that kit!

It's not a big deal of my other parts I forgot about never showed up today. I figured it out as I was going through parts, so no turbo swap this weekend. I'll try and find a helpfull Garrett dealer next week that has some experience with these on diesels:D

Thanks though...
I understand that you were using a different turbo and not the kit. I'm just shocked that they send a restrictor with their kit, and then didn't advise you to use one when installing one of their turbos. Just doesn't make sence to me....
Let us know how it works out Chris. A GT4088R sounds like a great sized turbo. Any turbo maps?
Will do.

I'm hoping it cools like a 64mm charger, and spools better than a 62...but we'll see. After driving my friends truck with a Stage II Garrett on an almost stock truck, I think my old 12v will spool this one QUICK:D:D
