Garrett Gt 42


Jun 26, 2007
I bought this in hopes of running next season but in light of recent news Ill be running 2.6 itpa instead of 2.8 with the new motor.

Ill get pics and turbine and compressor measurements up tommorrow As well as pics. Its has small nicks on the compressor wheel and I will take pictures of that. Its probabely runnable as is but thats up to you. It has a t6 flange and 1.28 a/r housing.

Will trade! Looking around for good 2.6 charger and or a good 12 12 valve head!
Not sure what they are worth, but I here nothing but good things about these chargers. Let me know what you think.
pics are being diffucult im taking new pictures with different chip tommorrow afternoon. Roachie pm me a price.
PM Sent! I'm very interested, need an address to send the money too.