Gauge Pod Paint

Santa Gertrudis

Dec 12, 2006
What is the interior color in the 05+ King Ranch trucks called? I have the interior code, but I need the name also to make sure.
go to, they have a chart for all trucks with the codes matching the color.
take this with a grain of salt, but heres what I used.... it is just a kunt hair lighter in color, but it matched it pretty well, really can't tell the diff when its mounted on the pillar, it is flat paint and has a slightly dif texture than the dash. iirc the can was only $5 from advanced auto


painting it on the fence, using several very light coats

trying to get some comparison pics before i put it in.


hope this helps....
that camo paint really works, I can barely see the pod sitting on the fence in pic 2.
I just put a set of them in my truck. Absolutely love them. Great gauges.
take this with a grain of salt, but heres what I used.... it is just a kunt hair lighter in color, but it matched it pretty well, really can't tell the diff when its mounted on the pillar, it is flat paint and has a slightly dif texture than the dash. iirc the can was only $5 from advanced auto


painting it on the fence, using several very light coats

trying to get some comparison pics before i put it in.


hope this helps....

I used the same thing. It works great. Next I am going to do my computer mount when I have time.
if you do paint it use the painting tips on diesel manors website so the paint doesnt chip or flake while putting it in