Gauging Intrest In An Event


New member
Nov 20, 2007
Gauging some interest here in an idea I've been kicking around...

How many people would be interested in a 8500lb street diesel run what ya brung winner takes home $1,000 and second place gets nothing... Only rules are saftey equipment (probably use 2.8 rules for this) and must have valid plates, registration, inspection, and DOT tires. Thats IT!

Winner gets $1,000... It would be worked into an existing pull so there would be other classes you could enter in too.

I see they do, This would be in Addition to any other classes that would offer a payout.
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Eastern VA, exact location not known. I need to see how many would be interested before I go about getting with my connections.
This would give a class for EVERYONE to pull, what ever turbo, twins, Nitrous, W/M... What ever... As long as its registered, has tags, valid insurance and street tires... Let it eat!
Gauging some interest here in an idea I've been kicking around...

How many people would be interested in a 8500lb street diesel run what ya brung winner takes home $1,000 and second place gets nothing... Only rules are saftey equipment (probably use 2.8 rules for this) and must have valid plates, registration, inspection, and DOT tires. Thats IT!

Winner gets $1,000... It would be worked into an existing pull so there would be other classes you could enter in too.


Im gonna quote Ricky Bobby on this "If you aint 1st your last":hehe::hehe:
Am I reading the rules long as I have safety stuff i could use nitrous oxide if I wanted?

Anyway we can make this at the end of pulling season LOL
Am I reading the rules long as I have safety stuff i could use nitrous oxide if I wanted?
Anyway we can make this at the end of pulling season LOL

Thats how I read it ... meaning there is really no way to cheat. Gonna be a funny feeling playing by the rules for once :lolly:
Am I reading the rules long as I have safety stuff i could use nitrous oxide if I wanted?

Anyway we can make this at the end of pulling season LOL

yes... to all the above. Still a pipe dream but I'm gonna start working on some sponsors...