General turbo question


Cheap and Easy.
Sep 13, 2008
I have had this question running through my ming for a while. What makes a large single easier to spool when it is used as a low pressure charger in a twin setup.

Scenario, I have a 4.25 inducer HX82 that I ran for a single for a while, I could get it to about 40psi with my setup, since I already own the charger I have been thinking about using it with the turbo I am running now, will the big charger act any different with the high pressure charger pulling air through it.

Thanks ahead of time.
It spools easier because the whole system is moving more air. You get up on the small charger right away, and since you make boost quickly, the mass flow rate through the engine climbs more quickly....putting you in the mass flow range of the big charger, sooner.

In engineering terms, if you get a 6L engine up on 1 additional atmosphere of boost (say 15 psi), the mass flow rate is doubled (assuming 100% volumetric efficiency just for this example) and to the primary turbo it all starts looking like a 12L engine.

More mass flow in, gives more mass flow out, and voila spooling the big charger becomes possible.
Sorry it took so long to get back to this, just wanted to say thanks, thats kinda what I was figuring in the back of my mind, I just needed a little confirmation.