Girl friendly site


New member
Nov 2, 2007
Hi ya'll. I am new here and like what I see with all the girls on this site. I love trucks and anything to do with trucks. Talk to ya soon!
Jeese they're taking over!! Just kidding welcome to the site.:welcome:
Hmmm wonder what's in front of that...? Ohhh it's truck stuck in the mud...:doh:

I have seen your avatar picuture in internet at least half year ago.......:kick:

I think you are not in the picture :poke:
Diesel Hottie, Welcome To Competition Diesel! Enjoy the site! :welcome:

Astro... if you want I'll start a collection to get you over here for a diesel event, keep you drunk, and make sure burner is there so you can give him an Estonian ass whoopin.

Burner, whats next? You gonna start hating on Estonians now too, Bigot!
Yay....ANOTHER girl, this is just freakin great...when are we gonna get a girl mod up there?? *hehe*
I wish someone would post up the fullsize version of that avatar for "closer inspection".
We are very girl friendly here. Tolerant and understanding of issues you have to deal with and handicaps you have to overcome, like this: Click Here
Amish Elegance said:
Diesel Hottie, Welcome To Competition Diesel! Enjoy the site! :welcome:

Astro... if you want I'll start a collection to get you over here for a diesel event, keep you drunk, and make sure burner is there so you can give him an Estonian ass whoopin.

Burner, whats next? You gonna start hating on Estonians now too, Bigot!

Diesel hottie in his avatar ----> no way. I have seen this picture with better quality :poke:

If i put 1500 hp monster truck to my avatar, do I own it ?
NO , it just showing my internet search skills!

Amish, just wait , I hope to be next year in some diesel event :woohoo: