Girl friendly site

Amish Elegance said:
Diesel Hottie, Welcome To Competition Diesel! Enjoy the site! :welcome:

Astro... if you want I'll start a collection to get you over here for a diesel event, keep you drunk, and make sure burner is there so you can give him an Estonian ass whoopin.

Burner, whats next? You gonna start hating on Estonians now too, Bigot!

God save the Queen!
i would pitch in a few bucks to help get astro here as well.... LOL
DumbBlonde said:
Welcom, and you obviously already see what you are going to be dealing with.
Judging by some of the unsavory private messages I have received a lot of very desperate for attention young men. Thanks guys but I'm more interested in trucks than the fact that several of you claim to wear size 15 shoes.
DieselHottie said:
Judging by some of the unsavory private messages I have received a lot of very desperate for attention young men. Thanks guys but I'm more interested in trucks than the fact that several of you claim to wear size 15 shoes.

HAHAHAH you guys that PM'd gotta feel pretty dumb right now!

DieselHottie said:
Judging by some of the unsavory private messages I have received a lot of very desperate for attention young men. Thanks guys but I'm more interested in trucks than the fact that several of you claim to wear size 15 shoes.

Don't let those idiots fool ya. There are some decent people here. You just gotta cut through the bull and find them.
DieselHottie said:
Judging by some of the unsavory private messages I have received a lot of very desperate for attention young men. Thanks guys but I'm more interested in trucks than the fact that several of you claim to wear size 15 shoes.

:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: guys, STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER!!! whether you believe it or not, there are REAL live females coming to a town near you...LOL

btw, welcome to site...and if the mods don't care i know a lot of us would enjoy the public posting of the better of these "messages" :bang
"Comp D yer diesel and dating one stop shop"
I wear my size nineandahalfs and I'm not ashamed to show them off......
Welcome to CompD. I've noticed an increase in members of the female persuasion lately, to you and all our other female members I only have this to say....

I hope you enjoy your time here as much as I do. Unfortunatly, with a group this large, you tend to find at least a few kids/goobers. Never fear the majority of the members here are stable adults. The mods on the other hand.... :hehe: ! If you need advice on the trucks, I can't think of a better place to be.


PS. Just say "No" to Scott's list! LOL
CTDYoungGun said:
...and if the mods don't care i know a lot of us would enjoy the public posting of the better of these "messages" :bang

We would prefer to not have these posted publicly, but dieselhottie, if you would fwd the offending PM's my way I would be happy to make sure you're never PM'd in by those individuals again. :thankyou2:

Fellas, lets show this lady what diesel gentlemen are. To those who cannot abide by this request, I'll be happy to give you an all expenses paid trip to any message board but this one.
Amish Elegance said:
Fellas, lets show this lady what diesel gentlemen are.

:hehe: I think a hashbrown just came out my nose. :hehe:

Welcome to the site. Glad to have you here. Enjoy. :welcome:
DieselHottie said:
Judging by some of the unsavory private messages I have received a lot of very desperate for attention young men. Thanks guys but I'm more interested in trucks than the fact that several of you claim to wear size 15 shoes.

Nice.....Comp D is turning into a middle school chat room??? :bang Wanna cyber?? :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:
I swear...I think you guys are missing out on Midol and Tampax as site sponsors. We're movin' on in.

Welcome aboard, lady.