Glamis bound....any thing I should know?


New member
Dec 10, 2008
Good Evening All,

I am headed to Glamis for the New Year weekend, and I am wondering what, if anything, I need to do to my truck (or myself) to prepare for it. I will not be doing anything crazy with my truck. No climbing or dragging or jumping. Mostly driving it around trying to look cool and show off a little. (sounds cocky yes but, just being honest) So, is there any preperation that I need to do to my truck to make sure that I do everything possible to make it back from there without incident? I have never been there before so not 100% sure what to expect. My truck has never been in the desert so I am just asking for some helpful tips that any of you might have learned the hard way. I appreciate any input. (that includes giving me a hard time/joking around)
Well there is always the usual cutting of the wires to the turbo...
Um don't go would be my guess. Do people make it out og Glamis without one accident happening to them?

Hopefully you have 4 wheel drive and top of the line Suspension. Like Carli also bring a shovel, tow straps, should be 60-67 degrees during the day, could drop down to 34 at night early AM. Make sure you have alot of tools, not any places to get things fixed, about 30 miles away nearest! Make sure you have a desert flag on a 10 foot pole, and its 25.00 to the park rangers, hide your fire arms, keep a lookout for the drunks, and druggies,high rate of people getting banged up! real bad, then they will chopper you out! Grumpy John 4X4 PS Last time we went out totaled my truck, broke my back 7 ribs and a collapsed lung and internal bleeding, truck and I are ready to go again the end of January. Good luck:charger:
Hopefully you have 4 wheel drive and top of the line Suspension. Like Carli also bring a shovel, tow straps, should be 60-67 degrees during the day, could drop down to 34 at night early AM. Make sure you have alot of tools, not any places to get things fixed, about 30 miles away nearest! Make sure you have a desert flag on a 10 foot pole, and its 25.00 to the park rangers, hide your fire arms, keep a lookout for the drunks, and druggies,high rate of people getting banged up! real bad, then they will chopper you out! Grumpy John 4X4 PS Last time we went out totaled my truck, broke my back 7 ribs and a collapsed lung and internal bleeding, truck and I are ready to go again the end of January. Good luck:charger:

I always figured if I broke my back. That would be something I wouldn't try to do again.
it will be packed but not bad. it gets a little crazy but not like it used to. like said, tools, shovel, tow straps. food and beer. air down. stay safe. have fun. take pics. enjoy! i might be out there the weekend after.

I would take a gun. There is alot of pirates and robberies. Look up all the stories on the web. My buddy got robbed there and met some people that lost everything
SSpeeddemonSS pretty much summed it up .

Have fun and stay on sand hwy for the most part . Keeping your momentum and making it over hills is important , but to much momentum and you can launch over razors to fast . You'll get it quick . Especially after getting stuck a few times . LOL

I should be out there . Hit me up if you see me .

Thanks for all of the info everyone. I am really looking forward to getting out there. My plan is to stay on the beaten path and just cruise up and down what I guess is called the drag strip? I understand that is where people just cruise up and down at. I know I will have fun. I'll look for you in that big 4500. Should not be hard to see. Same here, if you see me give me a shout.
I would take a gun. There is alot of pirates and robberies. Look up all the stories on the web. My buddy got robbed there and met some people that lost everything

Reading this makes me think of Captain Ron. He didn't say GOrilla he said GUErilla. And the pirates of the carribean.
Made the trip without any "Major" problems. Decided I needed to take sand highway back to camp from the drags instead of taking the highway. Broke my front U-joints going up the hill at osborne lookout. They let go with about 8 feet to go until I would have been on pavement and been good to go. Oh well. Other than that, I could not be happier with the way my truck handled itself out there. Really good time. Lots of looks and compliments plus, some really bad ass vehicle's at the sand drags. Craziness. Thanks for all the input.
SSpeeddemonSS pretty much summed it up .

Have fun and stay on sand hwy for the most part . Keeping your momentum and making it over hills is important , but to much momentum and you can launch over razors to fast . You'll get it quick . Especially after getting stuck a few times . LOL

I should be out there . Hit me up if you see me .


I thought I saw you once but, was not sure and didn't want to be the jackass that asked "hey are you Johnny from comp diesel?" Hope you had a good time. I sure as hell did.

I am pretty sure that a sand rail is in my near future.