Glitch with UDC


Diesel Tech
Sep 13, 2011
I beleave i have found a glitch with the UDC software. for starters i have a 2003 truck with many things done to it. the problem/glitch i am experiancing is with rail pressure. i have a edge insight cs monitor that i watch load and rail pressure with. what i am seeing is after the truck has been running for about 2-3 minutes is rail pressure suddenly drops like it goes in to some sort of limp mode. i verified this by setting the rail pressure within a load range to the same value throught. At an idle i set it to run 10,000 psi (just for this test) and just idling i can watch the rail pressure suddenly drop for 10K to 5.5-6K. Can anyone explain this? If not hopfully someone at smarty see's this and has an answer. This is really bothering me because i bought this to have the abillity to tune the truck to my liking. If UDC doesnt alow me that then what did i pay for?:bs:
I havea 03 and mine sits at 7000 if i want it too. I have since dropped idle pressure down to 6200. If i get time tomorrow i will try to set it to 10,000 and see what happens.
Every year when the temp drops below ~40, rail pressure on my truck lowers itself. Only at idle and low throttle. I command 6000psi at idle, and once it got colder out, it dropped to 5500.
I noticed this yesterday evening. My rail gauge caught my eye and i noticed rail pressure was down from the normal 7k mark to 5.5 -6k on my Autometer rail gauge. usually mine is at 7k steady. It was 29* last night. BTW this is the 1st time i have driven this engine in the winter. Usually i store this truck from Halloween to late April.
I understand how temperature can affect rail pressure, but that should compensate as soon as the key is on not? i dont understand why it will sit at 10K idling and then in the blink of an eye drop so durastically. i will continue to mess with it, but it will be a while now because i sold the turbo and manifold off of it to go bigger. please post any info in the mean time. thanks guys.