Good Friday - Lets tear the ford apart ??!


New member
Jan 5, 2008
Started out with a simple mission , pull the turbo to replace leaking y-pipe and recon turbo at same time. After an hour or so I realize there is a THIRD bolt on my 03 holding the turbo to the pedestal. Another 2 hours go by as I fight to get the proper size wrench on it , apparently the head has some damage. Decide to unbolt pedestal to try turn turbo to get at bolt. No go. Get mad , unbolt passenger side of cab and jack it up. Finally get it out , but not before damaging the short rubber hose on the EGR cooler. Oh , and some shorting against the alternator ! ( next time I will UNHOOK the batteries) My question is , can I just replace that short hose with a piece of high temp hose and some quality hose clamps ? It also turns out that I don't have a leaky y-pipe , I have 2 missing bolts on the passenger uppipe. Always pick a day when NO parts stores are open to break as much stuff as you can.
Passenger side up-pipe is easy to get to....just remove the inner fender well molding...then use about 3 feet of extensions on the rachet wrench to reach up there.

I've pulled different turbos from my engine so many times...I had it down to less than 45 minutes to pull turbo, change the exhaust housing, clock it, and have it back on and running again.

Take your time when you are rebuilding your turbo.
And before you split it apart, mark it, so you have it clocked right the first time.
That hose is a specifi hose with internal clips..standard hose won't work. We have a crap load of those hoses from the delete kits we do. Pm me if you want one..we sell them cheaper then the dealer.
When I blocked off the egr on the uppipe , I reused the bolts. Now one on top and one on the bottom are gone. Should've looked closer before buying the y-pipe. $25 from Ebay plus shipping so I'm not out much. Get parts Monday , gotta get a wheel seal for drivers front axle too. Never drive it but it sure keeps me busy.
And thanks for the offer , but I can't wait 10-14 days for it to get to Canada. The wife wants HER (?) garage back. Had to order one through Ford at $40 , I'll have it tomorrow. Ford parts guys sure don't know squat !!