Got A Problem


Aug 13, 2006
Have a truck in the shop #6 cylinder is dead. Thought it was a injector so I switched it out. Nothing. Ran the overhead, Nothing. Compression on cold engine 500psi. Symptoms: bad miss, clouds of grey smoke, raw fuel smell.

Truck is an 02 HO 50hp EDM's superchips tuner.

Do you have another truck you could swap pumps with and check it? If you have compression and fuel it should fire if the fuel is being delivered at the right time. Also look into pulling the Superchips tuner, I have not heard much good on them and it's one more thing to eliminate as the source of the problem.

From what you have said I am leaning towards a timing problem (i.e., a F'ed up VP44).
Pulling the tuner is next dont have it the customer is brining it in. Im leaning toward the pump also but the only other one I have is on my truck and it cant be down at all.
woodsrat said:
Have a truck in the shop #6 cylinder is dead. Thought it was a injector so I switched it out. Nothing. Ran the overhead, Nothing. Compression on cold engine 500psi. Symptoms: bad miss, clouds of grey smoke, raw fuel smell.

Truck is an 02 HO 50hp EDM's superchips tuner.


Just a WAG, but either you have a burned exhaust valve, or the little VP44 is skipping #6. Compression sound's way low, I'm figuring it's only building on one exhaust valve. These pump's have the ability to lose memory as to where each cylinder is at. Maybe it got PO'd at #6, and cut him off.LOL Gary
The thought of a burnt valve was running through my head but I can't for the life of me remember what kind of #'s you should be seeing (and to forgetful to remember to look it up in the service manual :bang )
Pulled tuner, nada Found out the pump is only six months old. One of the black dodge remans:bang So customer is trying to get it pushed thru for warrenty. If not going to a hotrod pump. But just another thought anyone think this may be a ECM issue??
I kinda doubt it, the Cummins ECM is pretty much bulletproof in stock configuration. The more I am thinking about it the more sense a bad valve makes. The smell of raw fuel tells you that fuel is making it into the cylinder and is not getting ignited properly to burn (i.e. low compression). Does the customer have gauges?? If so what kind of EGT's was he seeing? Consistently high EGT's would really point to a valve being burnt since #6 runs a tad hotter than the rest anyway. If the guy does not have gauges it might be worth pulling the head just to check.
OK update on this pain in the @#$. Installed FASS 150, checked injectors, installed new hot rod pump. Still getting the same symptoms puffing white/grey smoke raw fuel smell. We have good compression we have ran the overhead, what am I missing here??
#6 injector line?

Pinched/plugged with something?

Or cracked head. Cummins doesn't give a hoot about compression. They only care about blow-by specs. Can you do a leak-down test on #6?
if the compression is equal between all cylinders I wouldnt think it could be the problem anyway. hope you get something figured out Chuck.

Problem solved. It was an injector (note to self test them myself next time). Put in a set of our 120's and the hotrod pump NICE:evil
How did you check it before?? swap in a stock core sitting on the shelf or take it to a shop?
Took them to another shop in town. My tester was broke they apperently dont use thiers much.
I hope they got a piece of your mind, and you got a refund. That kind of stuff makes me very, very angry :bang