Got a Smarty


Aug 5, 2006
Hey I bought a Smarty from a neighbor just to try it out and see if I like it better than my BD. It has Revo 4S.7Z loaded in it and woundering if is suppose to be compadible with my early 04?
It's what shows up when you first plug it in. He had a TNT on it at first and I have been reading that the TNT had some railpop on the stock 03-04s so I asked him if he could put in a Revo program and this is what he gave me, it runs good, I'm running it in the lower settings. I like it.
Hey it was a good deal and I couldn't pass it up, He told me he also liked your product and your service. He had to get rid of his truck because of work. So he did need it anymore.