Got my check BUT....

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New member
Jun 25, 2007
Got my check from DHRA last night for $425. Thats ok except I was told it was going to be $450. Along with not knowing what the payout would be at the show itself. And having to call and find out myself the following monday. AND on top of the screw up during the pull. I got jacked for about $225 bucks. Heard all about DHRA being like this. Guess you never know for sure til attend one of their events. :kick: They tried telling me but I wouldnt listen.

I told you the patout was 425, not 450, you did not get screwed out of anything. To our knowledge there was no screw up as far as the placing goes, I told you to email me the video that proved you won, you say you have it but you never have sent it and I watched the video that you posted on youtube 25 times one night and the way it looks on that video you got second. You say they moved the flag, well as you can see you flagger tripped over it and right after that you stopped, so that would mean you didnt go as far as the 1st place truck since the flagger was in front of your truck. You left me a message on my phone about all of this and I called you back 5 minutes later, you didnt answer and I said on you voice mail to call me, you never did. If you have anymore things to say to us call me. Kyle Jackson
To your knowledge. There is no knowledge. The pullers gotta spell it all out for ya. You said $450!!! No if's and's or but's on that one! Surprised we didnt get about $20 since you guys wouldnt give us an idea on a payout at the event. Thats ridiculous. WE the pullers have to call the following week. Then get told to call back on tuesday and you would know the payouts. Ha what a joke. You said send me the video, but the next day the checks were sent out. Didnt even have time to get them on the computer. We got a video that CLEARLY shows my pull until I pull off the track. Weird how everyone thought I won, including the guy that took the 1st place money. Pretty stupid the pullers would have to show proof of their distance and a so called "pulling organization" cant! No wonder your events are no bigger than a local fair here in Missouri.
anthony, now your upset because we sent out the checks to quick, thats a new one. I first talked to you about this on a monday morning and we sent the checks out on a wed night, how much more time do you need to email me a video, if I would have waited you would be upset that you wernt paid yet. As far as the first place truck saying he got second, he doesnt say anything like that to me, as I have personally talked to him about this. We didnt know the payout at the pull because extra money was put in the purse from the fair board, and at the pull I didnt know how we were going to divide the money up. Sorry that you feel ths way you do but I did everything I could to get this taken care of, and as far as the 425-450 arguement, first got 625, and an hour after I told you the payout you left me a message upset becuase there was 200 between 1st and 2nd, so Im am 100% confident I never told you 450 for second.
Just my opinion here, but people should just be happy with what ever payout they get. The club out here, doesn't have a payout for diesels. How do you think it feels to have 40 diesel trucks show up, which makes up over half the trucks that are there and still not get a payout.:doh: Again, just my opinion(and we all know what they say about them) but just be happy with what you get.
Amen, I would be happy to have a shot at a $100 pot, all we get is a hat or something and bragging rights. I am excited to see the DHRA come out west so there is a little insentive to keep participating in this sport.
anthony, now your upset because we sent out the checks to quick, thats a new one. I first talked to you about this on a monday morning and we sent the checks out on a wed night, how much more time do you need to email me a video, if I would have waited you would be upset that you wernt paid yet. As far as the first place truck saying he got second, he doesnt say anything like that to me, as I have personally talked to him about this. We didnt know the payout at the pull because extra money was put in the purse from the fair board, and at the pull I didnt know how we were going to divide the money up. Sorry that you feel ths way you do but I did everything I could to get this taken care of, and as far as the 425-450 arguement, first got 625, and an hour after I told you the payout you left me a message upset becuase there was 200 between 1st and 2nd, so Im am 100% confident I never told you 450 for second.

Thats cause you said 1st was getting $650. You must have forgot that to. And if I was Jason I wouldnt say anything either. No offense to him at all. Your going to give me 1st place money for a 2nd place pull ill take it without a doubt. Your organization is ridiculous in my opinion. Week after week it happens. No big deal. Like I said before. I should have known better :bang I mean how hard is it? We throw pulls together along with a dyno event all in the same day and are better organized then that mess.:redx:
Whew. Evil post count above. Watch out.:hehe: Shout at The Devil.
I'm gonna close this... there is another thread about it anyway. I suggest a call to Kyle....this is obviously not gonna help anyone to play it out in public.
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